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기상청 제공

2025.02.07 (금)

'2024 WE-Meet Project Outstanding Team Award Ceremony'


The Ministry of Education and the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Chairman Choi Tae-won) will hold

the '2024 WE-Meet Project Outstanding Team Award Ceremony' on January 22 at the Korea Chamber of

Commerce and Industry (Seoul).


The 'WE-Meet Project' is a university-company collaboration project that allows students to directly perform practical tasks proposed by companies and receive counseling (mentoring) from incumbents. The project was launched in 2022 in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the Innovation Convergence University Project Council, and by 2024, it was operated by a total of 18 alliances, including intelligent robots and artificial intelligence.


The We-Meet Challenge is a collaboration between universities and companies to provide work experience opportunities for students. Students work on real-world challenges set by companies, and company executives guide students through the entire process. Participating universities organize courses in conjunction with the We-Meet Challenge and award credits to students who complete them. Participating students will be able to utilize the cutting-edge knowledge and skills they have learned at the university to solve problems and enhance their skills in the field.


Students who participated in the We-Meet project commented, “It was a great opportunity to do practical tasks with current employees and experience how companies work,” and “I was able to learn how to cooperate with team members and gain practical experience while working on the We-Meet project.”


At the awards ceremony, 31 outstanding teams will be selected from a total of 871 teams that participated in the project, awarded the Minister of Education Award and the President of the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry Award, and will share their achievements in 2024 by presenting their best practices.


“As technology and industry trends in cutting-edge fields are changing rapidly, education through collaboration between universities and companies is even more necessary,” said Lee Ju-hee, Minister of Human Resources Policy and Planning. ”We will spare no effort to help students grow into talented people leading cutting-edge fields through the experience of directly solving problems in the corporate field.”


[News Source: Ministry of Education]